Deep sky photography

M31 galaxy

Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750

Location: Xuyi county, Jiangsu province, China

M33 galaxy

Telescope: Sky-Watcher 200/1000

Location: Xuyi county, Jiangsu province, China

North America Nebula

Telescope: Samyang 135mm F2

Location: Ejin Banner, Inner Mongolia province, China

Rosy nebula

Telescope: Sky-Watcher 150/750 with Dual narrow band filter

Location: Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China

TMC-Tauri molecular cloud (Red part is California nebula)

Telescope: Samyang 135mm F2

Location: Xuyi county, Jiangsu province, China

Orion molecular cloud (Red part is Barnard Ring and Horsehead nebula)

Telescope: Samyang 135mm F2

Location: Xuyi county, Jiangsu province, China

Author: HuanyuRen
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